The Little Pine Tree

A Story of a Lonely Pine Tree and a Little Boy

The Love God Hates

Joe Quatrone, Jr.

slide-1-638 A group of first-graders had just completed a tour of a hospital and the nurse who directed them was asking for questions. Immediately a hand went up. “How come the people who work here are always washing their hands?” a little fellow asked.

After the laughter had subsided the nurse gave a wise answer. “They are ‘always washing their hands’ for two reasons. First, they love health; and second, they hate germs.”

In more than one area of life, love and hate go hand in hand. A husband who loves his wife is certainly going to exercise a hatred for what would harm her. “Those who love the Lord hate evil” (Ps. 97:10). “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good” (Rom. 12:9).

In my last article, we saw how John’s epistle reminds us to exercise love (1 Jn…

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